Haitian Relief Resources
“The devastating 7.2 earthquake which was followed by a tropical storm are clearly natural disasters that would have devastated even the most technologically advanced and independent society. But given Haiti’s imposed poverty under the savage occupation and its internal weaknesses cultivated and kept in place by the occupiers, they are ill-equipped for a quick and speedy recovery. They have been throughout history a resolute, resilient and resourceful people, but they have suffered so much for daring to be free, for having a condition and potential attractive to predators and parasites, and they will need us and all the allies possible in their struggle forward. And we must be the first and in the forefront in the ranks of those in active solidarity with them for a free, self-determining, self-reliant, and self-recovered Haiti.” Dr. Maulana Karenga, Los Angeles Sentinel 8-19-21
Click links below for more information.
- Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees
- Helping Hands 2 Haiti (email)
- Micheline Robertson (email)
- Institute of the Black World 21st Century
African American Cultural Center (Us)
3018 West 48th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90043-1335
Telephone: 323 / 299-6124 Fax: 323 / 299-0261
www.Us-Organization.org | www.MaulanaKarenga.org |www.OfficialKwanzaaWebsite.org